Separate settings for 3dPlant category: usually there is no need to use subdiv and Displacement on plants, so disabled by default (the Attributes are still there).
Metalness and Roughness maps connected differently: through outAlpha and with alphaIsLuminance on.
Main Displacement attributes are visible in Channel Box 🙂.
Also I set the Preview Division Levels to 1 (the default is 2): this way the viewport is faster while using the displacement preview on the selected objects.
Displacement Amount connection between the shape node and the Displacement Shader: To get identical viewport preview and render (Displacement preview: Alt+3).
map is correct (usually you have to fix that manually) you’ll get the perfect result without changing any attributes (leave the custom V-Ray Displacement Shift value at 0).
Displacement map Alpha Offset is set ot -0.5: this way you don’t have to play with the Displacement Shift value.
Displacement Amount is set to 10 by default, usually that’s a good start.
We have correct shadows and such, you know.
AO map connection disabled: this is not a game engine 🙂.
You can disable the subdiv and the Displacement than use the Normal map if you wish.
Normal map intensity to 0: Autobump is on by default (aka Cache Normals is off).
Removed Specular map import and connection: in PBR that’s not necessary.
You can try to changing the alpha offset attribute at the file nodes as well.
Sometimes you have to copy the R channel separately into the G and B channels).
Unfortunately you still have to change the non Maya Displacement preview friendly displacement maps (usually: Use an image editing software, copy R channel to RGB, however that not always give you the correct results.
After the installation process replace the original with this one (uzip it), the typical folder is something like this: ~Megascans\Library\support\plugins\maya\6.0\MSLiveLink\Megascans.
Vray maya install#
Download the new Maya plug-in and install it.
Set the download settings and the export settings (aka set to Maya).
How to install it (basically you just have to replace one file): This is a highly modified version of the Quixel Bridge (Version 2020.4.1) Maya exporter (6.0) V-Ray and Arnold part. Because of that I decided to check how the Quixel Bride exporter works with V-Ray in Maya. (It’s a main version issue not because my changes of the script.) geo version and also for simple texture sets. Be careful with the exporting settings! You have to use one of the LOD as well to get correct export/import for high res.